How to read more books

A shelf of my bookcase
  1. Read what you want to read, not what you want to want to read
  2. Only read books that others say have changed their life
  3. Befriend the library. Always have holds queued up.
  4. Borrow books you’ve never read, buy books you want to read again.
  5. Ruthlessly abandon books you’re not enjoying (#4 makes this possible)
  6. Join a book club
  7. Use an alarm clock and resist bringing your phone into the bedroom
  8. Put your book on your pillow, not your nightstand, to force a conscious decision to read each night
  9. Read for the first fifteen minutes of your work day. (I read 9 books doing this last year)
  10. Track your progress

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Alexander Burlingame

Learner, thinker, and doer. Lover of spreadsheets, books, design, and craft beverages.